Because we work locally we can offer better prices on the IT Support - Home Service in Whitton TW2 & TW4.
Right from the beginning you know the total price, there are no hidden extras. If we can't fix it you not gonna pay a penny.
Our prices are fixed, we're not charging per hour like others. Incompetent engineer will need more time to fix computer. Why should you pay for his incompetence?
- Proffesional Job by Proffesional IT Enginieer
- No Fix No Fee
- Afforable prices (from £20)
- No Call Out Charge
- No Hourly Labour Charge
- Free Laptop/PC Collection & Drop Off (Local area only)

- or Free House visit (Local area only)

- No Diagnostic Charge (if you will go ahead with repair)
Services Offered:
- PC Health checks
- Virus / Spyware / adware / malware removal
- Local Network and Internet security
- System update checks
- System cleaning
- Hardware drivers updates
- PC and Laptop hardware repairs
- Broadband and Local Network problems
- Data recovery (Restoring files which have been deleted)
- Windows not booting / crashing / loading to slow / blue screen
- Operating system installs (Windows XP / VISTA / 7)
- Wireless and wired network installing
- Broadband sharing
- Internet and Email setup
- Hardware installation
- System configuration
...and many more